Monday, May 19, 2014

Food diary for May 19, 2014

This isn't day one of my weight loss.  It's more like month ten.  However, this is the first time I've put a food diary into the form of a blog.  I hope it inspires me and others to reach weight loss goals.

One Red Bull: 110 calories
Vanilla yogurt: 170 calories
Two peanut butter sandwishes: 460 calories
Two Capri Sun pouches: 120 calories
Three chicken quesadillas with low-fat cheese:  950 calories
Three Capri Sun pouches: 180 calories
One Vanilla Ensure: 250 calories

Total: 2240 calories

I am trying to stay around 1700, but 2240 is still low enough for weight loss.  According to calculations by dietitians and weight loss program experts, your weight times nineteen would be the number of calories you'd burn a day through normal activity.  I cut that in half because of my low level of activity.  It's increasing, but until I am unable to do regular exercise, I'm going to assume I don't burn the calories of the average person.

The Distinct Possibility of Grandchildren

Yesterday, as I was talking to my fiancee, the idea of grandchildren came into our conversation.  She has a daughter and a son, and I have a daughter, all of whom could have children of their own someday.  This discussion represents the first time in my life I've ever considered grandchildren.

In order to see my grandchildren, however, I must live long enough, and to live long enough, I have to get healthy.

I haven't been at a healthy weight in years now.  I was close in 2002-2003, and I was there from 1987 to the mid 1990s, but now, I have way too much weight on me. I've been losing it since July, when I moved to Ohio, and it's clear that it's going, but it's time to get really serious.  I've had a couple of backslides.  Nothing major, but it's made the progress slow.  Even though I've fitting in clothes I haven't worn in a couple years, I feel better, and there's more room between my gut and the steering wheel in my car, I feel like I could be making better progress and get rid of the backsliding altogether.

I decided to do this blog as a result.  Every day, there will be a post about what I ate.  Some days, I will post my thoughts about the future to give myself--and maybe others, as well--motivation.  Right now, I have several reasons to lose weight, the primary one being my health, but the idea of having grandchildren in my life and being able to actually do things with them inspired me.

I mentioned the clothes and the room in my driver's seat (which I've moved up from a reclined position due to the extra room), but there are other things that have gotten better.  I can move around more easily, though my back continues to be a problem.  I injured my back in 1995, then worse in 2004, both in car accidents.  The injuries make exercise excruciatingly painful, but my lower back, which is the biggest inhibitor to exercise, has been better lately.  It's still painful, and with a lot of movement, it's horrible, but I'm at least able to get around without as much difficulty.  Maybe I'll be able to walk a bit more.  Last time I swam, it didn't hurt at all, and I haven't been able to swim without pain since the '04 accident.

Sex has improved tremendously, and will only continue to get better as I lose weight, not only because of being able to move and use more positions, but also because of better circulation and more endurance.  It's a huge motivation, and it's also a source of physical activity.

My fiancee has been a huge help to me.  She lives with me about half the time, and when she's here, I eat less.  I also eat better.  We're going to be living together staring next month, but until then, recording my food intake will make it easier to watch what I eat when she's not in the house.

I want to see my grandchildren, if there are any in my future.  Even if there aren't, even if none of our children have children of their own, I want to be around for a long time to come, and I want to be healthy for that time.  Spending decades with the woman I love will be worth it, whatever happens.